#vintage #Helen Hulick, a woman who defied a judge’s order and wore slacks in court, earning her a five-day jail sentence in Los Angeles, California 1938 [500x420] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2r9PutK
#vintage #Italian soldiers in a trench on the Karst plateau during World War I, ca. 1915-1917. [1117 x 781] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2rg56gf
#vintage #Japanese aircraft carrier Sōryū maneuvering while under attack from B-17E Flying Fortress bombers based at Midway Island, shortly after 08:00h, 4 June 1942 [3436×3154] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2w0lZA3
#vintage #One of the last photos of Tsar Nicholas II. He is in captivity following the February Revolution. March 1917 [742x1024] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2w0F9WE
#vintage #High-wire artist performs above the ruins of Heumarkt in Cologne, Germany in 1946 (940 x 713) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2raopq7
#vintage #V1 rocket lands in London, 1944. Toward the end of WWII, with Germany losing the war, the Germans fired rockets at London. They didn’t do much damage but frightened people because they had never seen them before [564x847] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2ra4pEb
#vintage #Ottoman Soldiers Shooting At An British Plane With A Maxim Gun On Cartwheel Sinai 1916 (1083x663) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2jkK4st
#vintage #Seven foot tall German soldier, Jacob Naken, speaking with the Canadian soldier who captured him at Calais, France, September 29, 1944. (Colorized) [1434 × 1976] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2JzXPP2
#vintage #Lithuanian nationalists publicly clubbing Jews to death during the Lietūkis Garage Massacre. Kovno (today Kaunas), Lithuania. June 27, 1941. [1600×1112] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2I5ZP4a
#vintage #S.Korean President Moon Jae-in during his service at special forces in late 1970s [450x776] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2FrWHKF
#vintage #Health Physicists check Highway 20 for contamination on the morning after the SL-1 accident. January 4, 1961, Idaho. | [1,436×1,113] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2KmZoAM
#vintage #1944 | ELAS Sympathizers Gather In Athens In Protest Of The Current Government | Athens, Greece | [636 x 487] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2Fpui88
#vintage #The construction of Weeghman Park (now called Wrigley Field) in Chicago,IL in 1914. [1203x960] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2FtLxoC
#vintage #The first Ferris Wheel from 1893- Each of the 36 cars held 60 people for a total of 2160 passengers [1152x1152] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2FtLwB4
#vintage #The Bell Rocket Air Men flying above the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum during the Super Bowl I (American football) halftime show, January 15, 1967 [400x675] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2FrlzSI
#vintage #Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ducking a rifle butt attack by a Sri Lankan sailor during an honor guard in Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 30, 1987 [375x500] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2Kpquav
#vintage #Commander of the 6th German Army which could "storm the heavens," and the first Generalfeldmarschall ever to be captured by the enemy, Generaloberst Friedrich Paulus at Stalingrad, 1942. (Colorized) [1415 × 2089] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2Fr1Jr3
#vintage #Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Richard Gordon and Don F. Eisele during geological training, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1964 [1536 x 1047] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2jgwnL4
#vintage #Bell UH-1 Iroquois "Huey" landing in an unknown site in Vietnam. Circa 1965. [OC] | [1024x683] | [FULL ALBUM IN COMMENTS] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2HUk8lj
#vintage #Palestinian and Israeli boys pose together during the first Intifada. Later that year it was printed as a full page ad in the New York Times with the caption "What's right with this picture?", 1988 (Colorized by me) [1285x935] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2jf4keH
#vintage #Julius Popper hunting for members of indigenous tribes as part of the Selk’nam genocide in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, 1896 [800x580] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2r4bgjq
#vintage #A veteran sergeant in the Dorking Home Guard cleans his Tommy gun at the dining room table, before going on parade, 1 December 1940.[2387×1772] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2r3YRMo
#vintage #A young man snatches the ceremonial sword of King Baudouin of Belgium during a procession on the eve of the independence of Congo, picture taken by Robert Lebeck in Leopoldville, June 29, 1960 [2886x1872] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2HSM4WJ
#vintage #Parisians reacting to the German Army victory parade, June, 1940. (Colorized) [3000 × 2375] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2HABqQM
#vintage #Armed Korean merchants conducted a lookout for looters or snipers while on top of a Korean market during the L.A. riots, April 30, 1992 [600 × 400] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot https://ift.tt/2HABlfW