#vintage #Dead fish are collected by an artificial lake within the Chernobyl site that was used to cool the turbines. The fish, which died from exposure to radiation, are abnormally large and flabby. June 1986 [717x480] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2RuNMy6
#vintage #Frank Alvord Perret with an improvised "geophone," listening to subterranean noises at the Campi Flegrei, Italy. 1906-1907. [527x622] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2RrG6wx
#vintage #"Washing up" in the newsboys' lodging house [ca. 1890] - Jacob A. Riis, photographer. [1485x1179] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2RrKqfb
#vintage #Macedonian Rebel band, Kalambaka, Greece during the First Greco-Turkish War, 1897 [1600 x 787] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2RuNKpY
#vintage #September/October of 1942 in Camp Kwitcherbelliakin (Quit-Your-Belly-Aching), during WWII in Nauthólsvík, Iceland. Fake palm trees made of steel to make US soldiers feel more at home in the cold climate. [960x747] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2RuJabj
#vintage #On November 21st 1974 the IRA exploded two bombs in pubs in Birmingham England, killing 21 people and injuring 182 [1852x1227] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sUdsKO
#vintage #The Tet Offensive begins as Viet Cong and North Vietnamese soldiers attack strategic and civilian locations throughout South Vietnam in the early morning of January 31, 1968. U.S. Marines take cover from Communist mortar fire on February 20, 1968. [1024x685] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sXbER1
#vintage #A couple and a salesman looking at color televisions in a department store, 1965.[3556x2792] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2UukzVR
#vintage #Miners using an “aerial tram” to descend into the Kimberly Diamond Mine in South Africa, ca. 1885 [565x439] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2UrSi2g
#vintage #(24 November 1974) Gerald Ford gifts wolfskin coat to Leonid Brezhnev in Vladivostok, USSR. [800 x 450] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2DKn15g
#vintage #Tiananmen Square June 4 1989, shortly before a much more famous picture was taken [1247x839] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2Gb9DJ4
#vintage #David Ben-Gurion proclaiming Israeli independence from the United Kingdom on May 14, 1948 [1280x972] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2GbYRC9
#vintage #A one-armed blacksmith named Patrick O'Neill using his specially made prosthetic arm, Tottenham, England, November, 1929 [517x802] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2G0FX1V
#vintage #This day 47 years ago British troops opened fire on unarmed Catholic civil rights protestors, killing 14 people, 30 January 1972, Derry, Northern Ireland [620x349] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2MFRB2z
#vintage #1928: a Gilmore gas station on the corner of Wilshire Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in LA [792x631] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2MI962y
#vintage #Muhammad Ali is lifted in jubilation after his match with boxer Sonny Liston. Clay knocked out Liston in the first round of the May 25, 1965 match to retain his title. [2808 × 1858] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2MF2eTx
#vintage #Countess of Castiglione, better known as 'La Castiglione'. Italian aristocrat who achieved notoriety as a mistress of Emperor Napoleon III of France. Ca. 1865. [3049 × 2837] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sXIxx8
#vintage #Pickled snakes on display in the window of a Tokyo shop. Customers believe they improve energy levels and sexual prowess. Tokyo, Japan, 1971 [3970 × 2489] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sYiBSa
#vintage #Operation Crossroads - first nuclear bomb test since Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, in photo the Baker test is captured, 25th July 1946 [5137 × 2696] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sXIvp0
#vintage #June 1946: The hull of Howard Hughes' H-4 Hercules (aka the Spruce Goose) is transported over city streets from its construction site near Culver City to the final assembly site at the Port of Los Angeles. Utility companies had to raise or cut 2,300 power and phone lines along the route. [1280x990] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sXIukW
#vintage #Freddie Ford promotional robot and model Mary Ann Laurel at the Chicago Auto Show, 1966 [900x1545] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2sXIscO
#vintage #Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg during an exhibition in Tuileries gardens in Paris, 1969. Photograph by RDA/Getty Images [799x780] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2WvsOmD
#vintage #An Ustasha, disguised as a woman, captured by Yugoslav Partisans of the 6th Krajina Brigade. 1943/44 [1277x1673] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2RrgrEm
#vintage #Operation Deepfreeze III - Captain W. Dichey is shown with “Flipper” who has abandoned his customary formal attire for bell-bottom trousers. Men of the Task Force are supporting U.S. scientific participation in the International Geophysical Year (1957-58), October 1957. [2288 x 2912] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2WvhCq3
#vintage #[1280x960] Park Ranger demonstrating "torch throwing" at Mammoth Cave National Park in the 1960s. This was a technique used before electrical lights was abundant in the pitch black passages to highlight features to guest in a way that you would today with a flashlight. #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2Wvhmaz
#vintage #Forced labour camp during the construction of the Congo-Ocean Railway (1930). Workers were conscripted by French colonizers to work under terrible circumstances. Disdain over this led to the Kongo-Wara rebellion of 1928-1931 which was supressed violently by the French. [555x367] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2HGx0wf
#vintage #1948 McDonnell XF-85 Goblin concept, small fighters designed to be dropped from bombers [720x429] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2HCV7vS
#vintage #An interned Japanese-American girl in the Manzanar War Relocation Center playing the accordion at a dance given by the Girls' Recreation Committee, California, 1943 [905x914] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2SexWvV
#vintage #Reagan meets actual Afghan mujahedin leaders. White House 1985. The man next Reagan is Rabbani (1024 × 697) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2HH3VAQ
#vintage #A posed photograph of British troops making a bayonet charge past a dead German soldier, 6 June 1942. Credit: No. 1 Army Film & Photographic Unit [800x784] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2TkIS8H
#vintage #A wounded German officer, found in the Egyptian desert during the first two days of a British offensive, is guarded by a sentry while awaiting backup, on November 13, 1942. Credit: AP Photo [900x669] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot http://bit.ly/2TkIQh5