
Showing posts from May, 2020

President of South Korea Park Chung-hee and his wife Yuk Young-soo - 1967 [500x342]

#vintage #President of South Korea Park Chung-hee and his wife Yuk Young-soo - 1967 [500x342] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Seventeen-year-old student John Carter stands outside Clinton High School in Tennessee while holding a sign in protest of integration on August 27, 1956 [600 x 874]

#vintage #Seventeen-year-old student John Carter stands outside Clinton High School in Tennessee while holding a sign in protest of integration on August 27, 1956 [600 x 874] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

The body of a Tulsa massacre victim lies in the street on May 31, 1921 [352 x 595]

#vintage #The body of a Tulsa massacre victim lies in the street on May 31, 1921 [352 x 595] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

A miner squares up to police during the British Miner Strikes, 1984. [700x444]

#vintage #A miner squares up to police during the British Miner Strikes, 1984. [700x444] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Passengers listen to a radio gramophone on a LNER train carriage in 1930. [1200x900]

#vintage #Passengers listen to a radio gramophone on a LNER train carriage in 1930. [1200x900] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi hands out documents of ownership of land to new female owners during the White Revolution. Iran, 1963 [1002x641]

#vintage #Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi hands out documents of ownership of land to new female owners during the White Revolution. Iran, 1963 [1002x641] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

During the Dust Bowl thousands of families live on wheels to serve the crops of California. Near Bakersfield, 1936. (597x450)

#vintage #During the Dust Bowl thousands of families live on wheels to serve the crops of California. Near Bakersfield, 1936. (597x450) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Anti spitting sign in Philadelphia, October 1918 (1024 x 1272)

#vintage #Anti spitting sign in Philadelphia, October 1918 (1024 x 1272) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Linemen at work in Nagoya, Japan, 1952 [930x702]

#vintage #Linemen at work in Nagoya, Japan, 1952 [930x702] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Actress Anna Sten with a worker during the construction of Hoover Dam, 1934 [822x685]

#vintage #Actress Anna Sten with a worker during the construction of Hoover Dam, 1934 [822x685] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

The American Civil War: The ruins of Richmond, 1865. [1600 x 1220]

#vintage #The American Civil War: The ruins of Richmond, 1865. [1600 x 1220] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Soviet women pilots ' Night Witches' of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment. ca.1941. (757 x 933).

#vintage #Soviet women pilots ' Night Witches' of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment. ca.1941. (757 x 933). #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Geronimo at the St Louis World's Fair - Louisiana Purchase Expo - 1904 [800X403]

#vintage #Geronimo at the St Louis World's Fair - Louisiana Purchase Expo - 1904 [800X403] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Children posing for a picture during The Troubles (Ireland , May 1981) [750x731]

#vintage #Children posing for a picture during The Troubles (Ireland , May 1981) [750x731] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is speaking in front of 25,000 civil rights marchers, 1965 [594x396]

#vintage #Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is speaking in front of 25,000 civil rights marchers, 1965 [594x396] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Ribbentrop Molotov Pact. August 23, 1939 in Moscow. From the left: the head of the legal department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Friedrich Gauss, the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Józef Stalin and the USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov. (800x562)

#vintage #Ribbentrop Molotov Pact. August 23, 1939 in Moscow. From the left: the head of the legal department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Friedrich Gauss, the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, Józef Stalin and the USSR Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov. (800x562) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Protester Guy Burmieux encounters his childhood friend, policeman Jean-Yvon Antignac, on April 6, 1972 [1280x899]

#vintage #Protester Guy Burmieux encounters his childhood friend, policeman Jean-Yvon Antignac, on April 6, 1972 [1280x899] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Margaret Bourke-White: Hohenzollern Bridge, Cologne, Germany, 1945 [1238 x 1691]

#vintage #Margaret Bourke-White: Hohenzollern Bridge, Cologne, Germany, 1945 [1238 x 1691] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Roger fenton's photographic van that used to take photos of the crimean war, taken in 1855 (colorized by me) [3135x3300]

#vintage #Roger fenton's photographic van that used to take photos of the crimean war, taken in 1855 (colorized by me) [3135x3300] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

[Colorization] Provisional Captain Victor Felipe Martínez, of the Flag of Combat Cars of the Army of Africa. Mount Tibidabo (Barcelona, Spain) 26th January 1939 [5,806x5,153]

#vintage #[Colorization] Provisional Captain Victor Felipe Martínez, of the Flag of Combat Cars of the Army of Africa. Mount Tibidabo (Barcelona, Spain) 26th January 1939 [5,806x5,153] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Native South Africans inside a concentration camp in Bronkhorstspruit, South Africa, 1901. [800 x 788]

#vintage #Native South Africans inside a concentration camp in Bronkhorstspruit, South Africa, 1901. [800 x 788] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Rosa Park sitting in her iconic spot at the front of the bus one year after her arrest on December 21 1956. Behind Parks is UPI reporter Nicholas C. Chriss. At the time of this photograph, Montgomery's public transportation system was legally integrated—thanks largely in part to her. [4800×3230]

#vintage #Rosa Park sitting in her iconic spot at the front of the bus one year after her arrest on December 21 1956. Behind Parks is UPI reporter Nicholas C. Chriss. At the time of this photograph, Montgomery's public transportation system was legally integrated—thanks largely in part to her. [4800×3230] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Japanese children, visiting a Tokyo department store on March 21, 1947, try out toy jeeps bearing the slogan 'Kilroy was here'. [794 × 1024]

#vintage #Japanese children, visiting a Tokyo department store on March 21, 1947, try out toy jeeps bearing the slogan 'Kilroy was here'. [794 × 1024] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes firing a full broadside during 1909 sea trials [1857 x 1332]

#vintage #Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes firing a full broadside during 1909 sea trials [1857 x 1332] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

an Algerian man immigrated to the US through Ellis Island taken between 1905 and 1914 [1080x1350] colourised

#vintage #an Algerian man immigrated to the US through Ellis Island taken between 1905 and 1914 [1080x1350] colourised #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Turkish forces entered Alexandretta on July 5, 1938 [714 × 479]

#vintage #Turkish forces entered Alexandretta on July 5, 1938 [714 × 479] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

The corpses of Ukrainian peasants who succumbed to the Holodomor famine lie on the streets of Kharkov, USSR, 1933 [1600 x 1191]

#vintage #The corpses of Ukrainian peasants who succumbed to the Holodomor famine lie on the streets of Kharkov, USSR, 1933 [1600 x 1191] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

King Wilhelm II of Prussia, walks through a military cordon in Potsdam before the arrival of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II (1911) [1300x763]

#vintage #King Wilhelm II of Prussia, walks through a military cordon in Potsdam before the arrival of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II (1911) [1300x763] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Mahatma Gandhi's possessions at the time of death circa 1948 [1068 × 1016]

#vintage #Mahatma Gandhi's possessions at the time of death circa 1948 [1068 × 1016] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

"Big Sword" Troops of Chinese warlord, Zhang Xueliang, parading in Beijing during the end of the Central Plains War. Warlord-Period China, 1930 (description in the Comments) [444x640]

#vintage #"Big Sword" Troops of Chinese warlord, Zhang Xueliang, parading in Beijing during the end of the Central Plains War. Warlord-Period China, 1930 (description in the Comments) [444x640] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

The little rock nine, 1957 [ 480X360 ].

#vintage #The little rock nine, 1957 [ 480X360 ]. #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Italian airmen studying a map, North Africa, winter of 1941 [1476 x 1436]

#vintage #Italian airmen studying a map, North Africa, winter of 1941 [1476 x 1436] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

A barricade constructed by the Commune in April 1871 on the Rue de Rivoli near the Hotel de Ville, Paris, France. The figures are blurred due to the camera's lengthy exposure time, an effect commonly seen in early photographs. [2560 x 2719]

#vintage #A barricade constructed by the Commune in April 1871 on the Rue de Rivoli near the Hotel de Ville, Paris, France. The figures are blurred due to the camera's lengthy exposure time, an effect commonly seen in early photographs. [2560 x 2719] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

SAS soldier from the battle of Mirbat, Oman July 19, 1972 (880x546)

#vintage #SAS soldier from the battle of Mirbat, Oman July 19, 1972 (880x546) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

The future King Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor, dressed in Samurai clothing during a visit to Japan in 1922 [594x464]

#vintage #The future King Edward VIII, later Duke of Windsor, dressed in Samurai clothing during a visit to Japan in 1922 [594x464] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

USS Arizona, a Pennsylvania-class battleship built for the United States Navy, in the East River, New York City, U.S., circa mid-1916. Arizona was hit by Japanese torpedo bombers during the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. [1600 x 1142]

#vintage #USS Arizona, a Pennsylvania-class battleship built for the United States Navy, in the East River, New York City, U.S., circa mid-1916. Arizona was hit by Japanese torpedo bombers during the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. [1600 x 1142] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Erwin Rommel poses for a photo with the officers of the Italian minelaying submarine Zoea, Bardia, Libya, May 1941 [417 x 630]

#vintage #Erwin Rommel poses for a photo with the officers of the Italian minelaying submarine Zoea, Bardia, Libya, May 1941 [417 x 630] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

A French family returning to their village after it was destroyed during the Battle for Caen, July 1944 [771 x 800]

#vintage #A French family returning to their village after it was destroyed during the Battle for Caen, July 1944 [771 x 800] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

2nd Lt. John “Jack” Lundberg (1918-1944) whose last letters to his family are in the comments. Photo taken and colorized circa 1943 probably in San Antonio, Texas. [1083x1457]

#vintage #2nd Lt. John “Jack” Lundberg (1918-1944) whose last letters to his family are in the comments. Photo taken and colorized circa 1943 probably in San Antonio, Texas. [1083x1457] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Stevie Wonder visiting a children’s school for the blind in London... c.1970 [853 × 1280]

#vintage #Stevie Wonder visiting a children’s school for the blind in London... c.1970 [853 × 1280] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Acetylene Annie, during World War II. Ford plant at Willow Run, Michigan. July, 1942. (988x720)

#vintage #Acetylene Annie, during World War II. Ford plant at Willow Run, Michigan. July, 1942. (988x720) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

A Confederate soldier, killed on the property of Susan Alsop in May 1864 during the Battle of Spotsylvania. Photo is dated May 20th. [1024 x 875]

#vintage #A Confederate soldier, killed on the property of Susan Alsop in May 1864 during the Battle of Spotsylvania. Photo is dated May 20th. [1024 x 875] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay become the first two people to reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953 [470 x 251]

#vintage #Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay become the first two people to reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953 [470 x 251] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

This portrait of NY Giants pitcher Christy Mathewson is so clear you can make out the photographer in the reflection of his eyes, 1910 [1200 x 878]

#vintage #This portrait of NY Giants pitcher Christy Mathewson is so clear you can make out the photographer in the reflection of his eyes, 1910 [1200 x 878] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

The Italian liner Roma in Naples, 1930s [1600 x 1130]

#vintage #The Italian liner Roma in Naples, 1930s [1600 x 1130] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

During the build-up to World War 2, the St. Louis was a German ocean liner which carried more than 901 Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in 1939 intending to escape anti-Semitic persecution. The refugees tried to disembark in Cuba/USA/Canada but were denied permission to land. 1939 (300x250)

#vintage #During the build-up to World War 2, the St. Louis was a German ocean liner which carried more than 901 Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in 1939 intending to escape anti-Semitic persecution. The refugees tried to disembark in Cuba/USA/Canada but were denied permission to land. 1939 (300x250) #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

On this day exactly 67 years ago, at 11:30AM on May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa of Nepal, become the first explorers to reach the summit of Mount Everest, which at 29,035 feet above sea level is the highest point on earth. [1900x1424]

#vintage #On this day exactly 67 years ago, at 11:30AM on May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa of Nepal, become the first explorers to reach the summit of Mount Everest, which at 29,035 feet above sea level is the highest point on earth. [1900x1424] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

German Grenadiers advancing through the Ardennes Forest. The soldier in the foreground is armed with an Sturmgewehr 44, considered to be the first military assault rifle. 1944. (862 x 506).

#vintage #German Grenadiers advancing through the Ardennes Forest. The soldier in the foreground is armed with an Sturmgewehr 44, considered to be the first military assault rifle. 1944. (862 x 506). #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan talking with a British Royal Air Force photographer in Al Ain 1954 [700x493]

#vintage #Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan talking with a British Royal Air Force photographer in Al Ain 1954 [700x493] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - Queen Elizabeth II - Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Prince Phillip (Abu Dhabi 1979) [497x370]

#vintage #Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan - Queen Elizabeth II - Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan - Prince Phillip (Abu Dhabi 1979) [497x370] #history #HistoryPorn #Bot