Histolines Inspration

Sometime in March of 2013 a friend of mine sent me a link what would facebook look like if it existed during World War II , and reading it has set in motion all sorts of events that have led to the creation ofhistolines.com. First thought that flashed across my brain was that it would be amazing to create something similar for the Roman Empire, in particular about the turbulent time of Julius CaesarMark AnthonyCleopatraand people they have interacted with. But almost as soon I realized that drawing it as an image would be almost pointless since first every moment in history would need a timeline like this and second I could never capture full complexity of those people and I would need to perpetually edit it and append it. Thus a fairly obvious solution was to build a platform that would allow people to build such timelines. After quite some time and hours of trying to figure out how it would look and work and learning how to build websites I have set of to build histolines, but it is all thanks to a Facebook message in which my friend shared this link with me.


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