About — Features of Histolines

 The main page used to list all the historical events in order as they were added to histolines. Each event includes who as in the name, what happened, and when. Sometimes we also include with whom and where but that’s optional.

To add a new event press the “New Event” button. Type in the Name, what happened, with who, when, and where. The website will give you suggestions on names and event types. To keep histolines clean and organized we suggest you use names and events that are already in histolines. You can also click on advanced inputs and add details like a reference website link to a picture genre and sign your work. Then just click add event. Assuming all is well your post will expand the knowledge base of histolines.

Since every event has been inputted by anyone who cared to write it we have to let the reader identify and vote on the event's significance and accuracy which is a part of every event. Also, we have the detail button which will show you more information bout the event. If you press the detail button you can see the same event on the side of the whole timeline with the addition of the list of references that the users have inputted about this event, the list of collections that this event belongs to. You can read or add comments to this event also while the event is fresh you can add elements to it after pressing the refine button.

There are multiple ways to move around in histolines if you click the time tab you can enter the start and the end date and histolines will show you all the events that we know of that happened between those two dates. Day tab allows you to focus on a particular day like all the events that happened on March 15th or your birthday. Also if you see a date on the site and you want to know what else has happened on that day just click the date and histolines will show you all it knows about that date.

Some of the historical figurs with biographical timelines on histolines

The characters tab will help you look up a timeline of events of any character in history just start typing in his name and just click on one of the suggestions. Also if you see the character in some other timeline you can click on the name and the site will direct you to their timeline. When you are on on a particular character's timeline on the left hand side we have a list of all the characters that have lived in the same time period. Just click on their name and histolines will combine their timelines so you can see how their lives have interacted.

The cities in the history tab are filters by location included in an event. Just click on it and a map will appear to show you where that event has occurred.

The collection will allow us to group multiple events into a grand collection like World War Two. But that feature still needs some work.

Relevance will help you sort through the significance and accuracy that people over time have voted. And hopefully, filter out the unnecessary nonsense.

The database behind this site allows us to compile and view history in a brand-new way. And hopefully, see a lot moreof what has been written between the lines.


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